Welcome to the homepage for all things ChickeNooga

It began in 1999, when someone realized that Noogans needed to visit Ohio.  That year, we discovered the drive-thru beer store, 12 of us, packed into an Infiniti during an Ohio hurricane.  We watched tents race by with their owners close behind, and the windows fog as we tried to breathe.  Our own tents crept into the wind, and we socialized at the local laundromat.   It was a great year, 1999, yet they continue to improve..  Enjoy the history, and be sure to check out some of the photos, as they more fully define the experience that is:  
ChickeNooga 1999 ChickeNooga 2004  
ChickeNooga 2001 ChickeNooga 2005 Poultry Days Website
ChickeNooga 2000 ChickeNooga 2006  
ChickeNooga 2002 ChickeNooga 2007  
ChickeNooga 2003    

1999 marked our first experience in Versailles, Ohio.  We donned our finest shirts and watched as an Ohio hurricane swept away our tents and dashed our hopes of being dry come Sunday.  We loaded half the team into a car and hit the drive thru beer store for mid-storm relief.  We somehow worked our way through Saturday and into the C-Pool for Sunday.  We went to C-Pool finals on Sunday against Blackened Chicken Lung and narrowly lost that tight and exceedingly fun game.  Sluggo always seems to pull it out against us.  The win, I mean...  Our first year marked a turning point in our lives.  Although Poultry Days happens only once each year, ChickeNooga became a year-round phenomenon that sometimes spooks us when we look into the mirror...

Photos from ChickeNooga 1999



2000 found us in yellow and with lower #'s than what was needed.  During the drive up on Friday, a carload of us discovered Buffalo Jacks in Covington - ever tried antelope sausage??  It made us run like antelopes - we were lightly-leaping and crazy-fast!!  Must be that we weren't all too used to the speed cause we kept mistiming our cuts & throws... Our cheers earned curious looks, as did our play.  Nothing seemed to earn us points...  We survived Saturday and had little energy to finish on Sunday.  Seems like we drove home at some point.    


ChickeNooga was conceived early in the spring of 1999 as a means to travel far beyond what we as individual Ultimate players ever had before.  We gathered our thoughts, combined our hearts, purchased a water balloon launcher, entered our bid for Poultry Days, and were laid upon the straw.  ChickeNooga hatched at the moment Poultry Days accepted us, and we blossomed into a wondrous bird of play during our short stay in Versailles.

“Every day in every way we pray to play on Poultry Day!”  - ChickeNooga  

Photos from ChickeNooga 2000



2001 was the year we were green.  It could have been the year that ChickeNooga went home with the championship title, but we didn't.  In fact, we won very few games.  Alas, we were NOT "that team".  In the end, we were all winners, and we had some pretty incredible and amusing memories to take home with us. (See Bio for 2002)


The year was 1999, and the world was reckless.  Spinning at an incredible rate, dancing wildly around the sun, the world seemed somehow misplaced.  People everywhere groped the sky with nimble fingers for a sign, for some indication that good things were approaching.  The search seemed futile.  Then, late one spring night, silently, as if by ethereal magic and carbonated lubrication, a fowl presence was hatched: ChickeNooga, ahhh ahhh, savior of the universe.

Meanwhile, the heavens rained down upon the earth, the sun shared its encouraging warmth, and wee little sparrows posited seeds upon the land: collaborating in a mellifluous symphony of lush green grasses to cushion speedy feet and horizontal bodies.  A rolling mountain, a small ocean, an encompassing path, and a fabulous arrangement of plasticized creatures descending upon Versailles:  There our hero, ChickeNooga, converged and first shared its divine breath and offered humanity the hope for which it so longed.

Photos from ChickeNooga 2001

Read the 2001 Invitation



2002 has yet to reveal the wonderment and atrocity that will surely unfold.  ChickeNooga waits restlessly as the three masters of Poultry guide themselves along the path of Poultry positioning.  Toes crossed and eyes shut tight, ChickeNooga hopes against hope to be chosen yet again to grace Versailles with its presence.

Something about water balloon launchers and fireworks...  I really don't remember...  But, God!  We had nice shirts!


2001 found a humble group of souls gathered intimately in the confines of dark-windowed van traveling northward.  It was love what brought them together and love what kept them together.  Others, connected on the same lovelength, traveled from afar by other means, but it was love what brought them together and love what kept them together.  Love.

As they all converged aside the grassy knoll beneath the setting orange sun, the love spread forth to encompass the entire universe what was Versailles.  They shared with the world their loveNooga, what made the world a better place. 

For all their concern and temperament, somewhere during that first morning, parts of the game were lost.  The plastic simply would not favor our friends.  They gave up their all and fought to the end, never rising to the potential they knew was there, as they possessed the love what would rule the world.  But, alas, they were not “that team.”  They still had tomorrow.  And all was well. 

As young Bosco wrestled with the entanglement of female legs, he felt the powerful love of the group, and he wished to become as one.  But, it could not be allowed.  So, he was banished and set forth on his journey to another place, leaving behind him a group of people swelling in numbers, a mass what would draw forth the enchantment of the evening.  And nighttime succumbed to the encroaching daylight as mirth and laughter faded into slumber. 

Sunday shone bright with the light what would provide fuel for the growth of their love.  Intrepid explorers come to discover the wonders of the night came at a price, as they played a game what should have been Ultimate.  But, what was not.  Nevertheless, our heroes exploded unto Versailles with unbridled love and spirits what made giants tremble with jealousy.  They played and they danced and they loved the world up!  They even scored a few points.

It was a weekend what minds will recall till the end of time: A weekend of ChickeNooga in paradise.

Photos from ChickeNooga 2002



2003 was the dynamo go getter lackluster screamaster humming good time of discapointing play upon the field emblazoned glowingly by ridiculous goodtimes at the fair and beyond.  Did Wade really want that water balloon launcher?  You bet he did!  (It wasn't us, Wade, I promise)  We dressed ourselves like clowns.  And kings.  Movie stars.  Football players.  There was even a caveman amongst us.  Etc Etc...  Goodness, but the laughter - what was its impetus??   Monte Blanc rode a bicycle down the hill.  Truly, the pictures do more justice to 2003 than any words ever could.  Not sure that ChickeNooga really played Ultimate this year...

Bio: Need to find it...

Photos from ChickeNooga 2003

Read the 2003 Invitation




The year of the missing flag caper - where were the Mystery Machine and those meddling kids!?  Baby Steps visited us and played in our sandbox.

"In Denmark, you'd all be dead!"  That really kinda sums it all up.

Bio: Need to find it...

Photos from ChickeNooga 2004

Read the 2004 Invitation



2005 found us starting the party on Friday afternoon, a mistake that we may make again.  We brought an army!  Saturday morning came, and we had The Moth with beard and the team in black.  We played great all day.  Even with socks.  Late afternoon we  faced Team USA.  Even though Team USA may have played left-handed invert-throw offense hopping on one foot with a 25% max-effort  mid-field-only defense, but the fact remains that ChickeNooga scored more points on them than anyone else in the tournament.  Read into that what you will, most do.  However, if you weren't there then you'll never know how absurdly amazing ChickeNooga is against a team that isn't watching.


ChickeNooga was formed in 1999 following a twelve-day Kool-Aid binge. Somehow, we actually drove to Versailles and managed not to lose anyone, unlike the games of Ultimate that we played... But, that's not important. There's no way anyone can convince us (and yes I've the authority to speak for everyone, even Chris A!) that we should be more careful with the disc. What's the point!?  During the years 1999 thru 2003, ChickeNooga won some games and ChickeNooga lost some games, but never once did ChickeNooga sleep with a sheep. It was in 2004 that ChickeNooga finally slept with a sheep. Is that baaaaaaad??

Photos from ChickeNooga 2005



2006 was a glorious year! You can just imagine! A special thanks goes out to Buffalo Jack at "Buffalo Jack's" in Covington, Ohio for his generous support of our inane lifestyle. If you've never been, you should drop in, have a high life, view a classic episode of gunsmoke, and munch on some sausages - unbelievable!!


Something like this... Twas merely a moment ago, it seems, when we were there last, gathered together amongst the lush green bladey blades beneath the Ohio skies, aside the pond, near the hill. There was us, and there was them. We played & we strayed; we wondered & we wandered; we discovered that Friday is best for rest, were it not for the treasure of pleasure. Some of us even spooned opponents upon the playing field proper in the light of day. Others of us just got whomped. That was 2005. ChickeNooga plans yet again to perturb social sobriety with unmitigated acts of profligacy and recklessness. At long last, excitable souls shall collide upon the shiny green grasses of Versailles and vex the atrocities of mediocrity, thereby igniting the imaginations of good children everywhere.



Photos from ChickeNooga 2006

A really fancy BIG image of ChickeNooga 2006


2007 was there year that will forever remind us all to bring our own chairs.  We wore pink and we looked real good.  Even Nick Goetz thought so, and Nick is rarely complimentary...  Rayray eggeater took 3rd in the Cool Hand Luke and thusly embedded us in yet another year of playing in the park, which the best thing of all next to a smooch from Miss Chick.  Word to the wise: walk past Ski and don't say goodnight.  We think that maybe it'd be a good idea to bring back Sluggo for the 2008.  Cha cha real smooth.  Let's go to work.  Take it back now ya'll...

A big thanks from ChickeNooga to all the folks that work so hard to bring us Poultry Days - there truly is nothing like it!


We are ChickeNooga, and the only time we get into trouble is when we get together. We like to eat at Buffalo Jacks in Covington, Ohio - they have cold high life and tasty sausages!

We didn't do too well in 2006, most of our team was in bed before midnight, Friday and Saturday nights... After 7 years, Wade finally convinced us to leave the water balloon launcher at home with the fireworks. ChickeNooga has never made it to finals and, thus, has never won the tournament. That would change were only one team to show other than us. Making finals, that is. When we play well, we are indomitable, unless the other team plays better. We played Team USA in 2005. They beat us. We had our picture taken with Miss Chick in 2002. It cost us only fifty dollars.


Photos from ChickeNooga 2007






Please feel free to add stories and/or photos to this site. Simply include them in an email to me.  Also, email me with questions and/or comments about this site